Created 30-Nov-21
Modified 1-Dec-21
Visitors 19
0 photos
Unfortunately, we did not have our cameras out for important parts of this weekend. We spent the first night with Pam's mother in Gilford, NH. The next morning (Thanksgiving) we drove south to meet Ryan (Bob's son) & Jenn (his girlfriend) for breakfast at the I-Hop in Salem, NH. Half way through the meal we were unexpectedly joined by my daughter, Kayla, who invited us to Methuen, MA for a visit with her husband, Greg, and our three grandchildren (Sebastian, Griffin, & Emerson).

Our next stop was Thanksgiving dinner in Portsmouth, NH with Andrew (Pam's brother), his wife, Molly, and their children: Jack & Caelin. While there Bob had the opportunity to take some photos of the harbor off Portsmouth and New Castle.

Following the Thanksgiving meal we went north to Gilford, NH and a visit with Linda (Pam's sister) and husband Keith and family. The next day we headed further north and drove through a snowstorm to visit Scott (Bob's nephew), his wife Sennu, children Abbey, Mae, quadruplets Andrew, Daniel, Thomas and friends. (newleyweds Sarah and Gladdy were on the west coast) Highlights were a trip to the airport to see the plane Scott and the kids made from scratch, walks in the snow and the beautiful sunrise Sunday morning.
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