Created 1-Nov-21
Modified 2-Nov-21
Visitors 3
0 photos
This gallery of the Jason & Sarah Gay wedding is a supplement to the formal pictures taken by the official photographer. Taken mostly by phone cameras these pictures capture some of the Rehearsal Dinner, the Ceremony aftermath and the Reception.

For me this was a very special Wedding. It was the first wedding where I was the Officiant. The bride is the daughter of my pastor. She made it clear that she wanted him to be the "Dad" and not the "Pastor". I was honored when they picked me as his replacement.

The Ceremony was to be held outside in the backyard, but for three days before the ceremony there was a major weather event which included heavy rain and winds with gusts up to 83 MPH. For two and a half days before the wedding they had no electricity which affected their plans for the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner which were also to be outside. By the time of the Rehearsal they had pitched a tent, brought in a portable generator and served a delicious Pot Luck dinner.

The wedding was scheduled for 2PM the next day. the weather forecast called for rain. The tent was set up for the ceremony but things cleared for approximately an hour before the ceremony and stayed clear throughout the ceremony, the picture taking and the bus trip to Box Mill Hall where the Reception was held. To be safe the ceremony was held under the tent and all went off without a hitch. Well, that's not true, they were hitched by me, an official Solemnizer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
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