Created 18-Jan-18
Modified 24-Sep-18
Visitors 15
0 photos
Pam and I enjoy the Cape as much in the winter as in the summer. The crowds are gone and because of the tides and the weather, the scenery can be spectacular. In this gallery I took a photo of the sunrise from the dock at the end of Gray's Beach Boardwalk. The next day there was a storm that wiped out the dock. We took a walk through the woods and found the dock on land about 1/4 mile from the boardwalk. A week later we returned to find the dock sitting on land with almost all the ice gone. The gallery also shows that the boardwalk at Sandwich Beach was also damaged. Although it was officially closed many continued to use it. So much for law and order. There is also a photo of a cigarette boat stuck in the ice in Lewis Bay. Along the way, we like to meet people and send them photos by email. This morning I met Jack and Thomas Jefferson, the beautiful poodle at the end of the gallery. The name seemed quite appropriate.
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