Created 26-Aug-18
Modified 24-Sep-18
Visitors 10
170 photos, 13 videos
This gallery records our last big fun event of the summer. Pam starts school on Monday and wanted to celebrate the end of summer with an educational activity. The Barnstable Whale watch is hosted by two biologists who work with Pam at Barnstable High School. On our last trip Joanne was narrating, this time it was Beth. Both are wonderful tour directors and know the whales by name. As on the last trip we were able to observe many whales, some near and some further out. The guide boat is powered by 5 Jet engines and makes getting there a fast smooth proposition. The trip goes from Barnstable Harbor to the fishing banks off of Provincetown at the end of the Cape. On this particular day, there were an abundance of boats in the area. Small sport fishing boats, Whale watchers and even a specialized boat (yellow) that is used to untangle whales who get caught in fishing gear. Our captain was able to locate and sneak up on the whales while avoiding the heavy boat traffic. A couple of highlights were three female whales who hung around together next to our boat. The first was eruption whose tail markings look like a volcanic eruption.The second was Cilla who is tied with Salt for having the most recorded calfs (14) since records have been kept. The third whale, another female is named Nile as her tail markings look like the Nile Delta. All three displayed spectacular dives which display the beauty of their movements. The most exciting moment came when a large humpback came out of the water only a couple feet from a small boat with 6 aboard. The look on their faces tells all. There are several videos that capture the feel of whale watching. Because videos don't always play back well I'm hoping you have success when you try.
© Robert Peek Photography