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Created 22-Oct-16
Modified 24-Sep-18
Visitors 11
118 photos, 5 videos
Join us as we drive over North America's highest continuously paved road. At 12,183 ft it is over 2 miles high and twice as tall as NH's Mt Washington. Starting at almost 90 degrees we rise above the snow fields to a temperature that drops to the low 50's at mid day.
Along the way, we see elk, deer, and mountain goats. The best part, however, is meeting people from diverse backgrounds who come from all over the world. It doesn't take long to find something in common within a very short time-- A Buddhist monk with a Christian mother and Buddhist father, a man whose daughter worked for Pam's Tennis Coach, a couple we had shared breakfast with at another location, (who changed our trip by recommending we go to Cheyenne to see the world famous rodeo) and a racially diverse family who shared our strong Christian beliefs. To date we have been in touch with all of them sending invitations to view themselves in our various galleries.