Created 13-Mar-19
Modified 14-Mar-19
This gallery is a pot pourri of random pictures of mostly Bates College students and faculty but also some family pictures and a conference at China Lake with Tom Tamblyn.
The Bates activities include sleeping in a tent in Dr Thum's side yard, an evening slide show gathering on his second floor; a Norm Bowie Nuggie Session; Ecology trips to Horshoe Pond and Swan Island. Trips to Thorncrag and Reeds State Park; 1961 Bobcat Homecoming; meeting of Jordan Ramsdell Honor Scientific Society; overnight trip to Sugarloaf's Abnaki Ski Club cabin (Look closely for blurred picture of Prof Goldat); Stanton Ride for the class of '65, 1964 Winter Carnival; 1963 Freshmen Outing; picture of Bill Brahman on Mt Katahdin (see 1963 Oct-Mt Katahdin gallery at Pictures from top of Mt. David; The Deansmen; and Trip to King Pine Ski Area.
© Robert Peek Photography