Created 10-May-12
Modified 24-Sep-18
Visitors 8
21 photos, 1 videos
The first thumbnail is of a short video. To view, just click on the thumnail and then on the "Play" arrow that will appear over it.
Plum Island is one of my favorite spots. During the spring and fall bird migrations there are more bird species on this island that anywhere north of the Carolinas.
On this visit--after migration--Bruce and I saw Turkeys, Turkey Vultures, Marsh Hawks, Swans, Cananda Geese, Green and Blue Wing Teal ducks, Cormorants, American Eider ducks, Bufflehead, Goldeneye ducks, Red-Winged Blackbirds, a Rufous SidedTowie, a Greater Yellow legs (photographed), Egrets, Great Blue Heron and a Green Heron--not to mention a deer that followed us around (photographed).
© Robert Peek Photography