Created 20-Aug-18
Modified 24-Sep-18
Visitors 8
39 photos, 11 videos
This gallery is part 1 of 2 days spent at the Winnipesaukee Lake House French Family Reunion. Prior to arrival Pam and I celebrated my son, Ryan's, 28th birthday with his sweetheart, Jenn.
The French family reunion was hosted by Andrew and Molly French. Day one included Dianne & Phil Stephenson and family, as well as Donny Searle, Andrew MacPhee, Pam and myself.
This was the first time that our dog Jessie (7 mos) and Andrew & Molly's dog Gus, (3 mos) met one another. They thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and hopefully began a long friendship.
Also look for a video of Andrew and Donny jumping/backflipping from the bridge. A better photo and video can be found in Gallery #2 when they repeated the feat with cousin, Noah Witham.
© Robert Peek Photography